Pilates Effective for Stroke Rehabilitation

Patients who have had a stroke often need rehab to help restore their normal function. This study found that Pilates is an effective rehab technique for...

Pilates Effective for Neck Pain

Neck pain can really make life more difficult. Pilates can help! Research shows that Pilates can help people get relief from neck pain.

Pilates Beneficial for New Mothers

Being a new mom can be stressful and tiring, but Pilates can help! Research shows that Pilates helps moms by boosting energy levels and reducing fatigue.

How Pilates Can Help Reduce Pain During Pregnancy

Research shows that Pilates can help relieve pain and stress during pregnancy.

How Pilates Can Help Patients Recover From Chronic Pain fit white female holding yoga pilates pose in studio

You don't have to suffer from chronic pain. Pilates can help, according to recent research.