Shoulder Pain Worsening with Age

You may have always known you have a stiff shoulder. As you've aged, your soreness may be starting to interfere with your daily life and ability to sleep.

What Is Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?

Frozen shoulder syndrome (FSS) is a common condition among middle-aged adults, especially women. FSS occurs when the capsule around the shoulder joint tightens and thickens. This restricts the range of motion of the ligaments, bones, and tendons in the shoulder. The "freezing" develops gradually over time. The result can be significant pain and difficulty sleeping.

Researching Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Treatments

Researchers have studied the efficacy of various treatments for frozen shoulder syndrome. Studies showed chiropractic spinal adjustments and exercise therapy provided a reduction in symptoms.

One study evaluated the effects of manipulation under anesthesia combined with exercise therapy. Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) is a non-invasive procedure. It involves spinal adjustments and soft-tissue therapies. Chiropractors or qualified physicians perform the treatments.

The study included 18 patients with FSS. The patients received one session of MUA, along with exercise therapies. Researchers compared the affected and unaffected shoulders. The study measured the active range of motion while the shoulder was in the following states:

  • flexion
  • adduction
  • internal rotation
  • external rotation

The researchers also compared isometric maximal voluntary contraction of the shoulders' muscles.

Increased Range of Motion

One month after treatment, patients' active range of motion increased 27% to 37%. Six months later, adduction and internal rotation range of motion remained elevated. But, external rotation and flexion range of motion measurements were not sustained.

Reduced Pain Score

Patients reported significant reductions in their pain scores. Pain scores were lower during both the one-month and six-month follow-ups.

Before MUA, patients' average daytime and nighttime pain scores were equal to 6.1 out of 10. After MUA, the average pain score was 0.8 by day and 1.6 by night.

Improved Shoulder Strength

Patients had large improvements in isometric shoulder strength.


The findings of the study show the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments for frozen shoulder syndrome.


Sokk J, et al. Shoulder muscle isometric strength and active range of motion in patients with frozen shoulder after manipulation under anesthesia 2013; Clinical Investigations 2012; 48(7): 331-7.